ADOBE INDESIGN PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE PROVIDER REPORT PUBLICATION NAME: 2013 Frontier Football Program-BHS.indd PACKAGE DATE: 7/10/14 8:26 PM Creation Date: 7/10/14 Modification Date: 7/10/14 CONTACT INFORMATION Company Name: Contact: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND OTHER NOTES External Plug-ins 0 Non Opaque Objects :On PagePB, 1, 4, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35, 38, 39, 40, 46 FONTS 55 Fonts Used; 0 Missing, 29 Embedded, 0 Incomplete, 0 Protected Fonts Packaged - Name: ACaslonPro-Regular; Type: Type 1, Status: Embedded - Name: AdelonBold; Type: TrueType, Status: OK - Name: AdelonLight; Type: TrueType, Status: OK - Name: AdobeDevanagari-Regular; Type: Type 1, Status: Embedded - Name: Antigone; Type: TrueType, Status: OK - Name: AntigoneNord; Type: TrueType, Status: OK - Name: ArabBruD; Type: TrueType, Status: Embedded - Name: Arial Rounded MT Bold; Type: ???, Status: Embedded - Name: Arial-BoldMT; Type: OpenType TrueType, Status: OK - Name: ArialMT; 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